Encrypting directories using ecryptfs

The goal of this post is to enable you to:

  1. Create and use encrypted folders
  2. Mount existing ecryptfs folders (such as your Ubuntu encrypted home when plugging your harddrive to another computer, or if it’s on a USB stick)

This should be much, much easier than it is. But unfortunately, the ecryptfs tools are not user friendly at all, so I wrote a Python script to wrap them. It’s here on Github. Download the script, make it executable (chmod +x) and put it in your $PATH to start using it.

Prior to mounting an encrypted directory, the script must import its signatures in ~/.ecryptfs. This is done by invoking the --import argument and isn’t necessary if you’ve just created the directory using --create.

The convention for Ecryptfs directories it to encrypt the file’s encryption keys with a password and put it in /your/encrypted/folder/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase. The script handles all that for you but you should be aware that deleting this file is equivalent to deleting the entire directory unless you have a backup (or you can crack crypto-problems faster than the NSA).

Other than that, the use of the script is rather self-explanatory (see --help) and the rest of the post is a reproduction of the “tutorial” that I had already put in the header.

Good luck and feel free to comment with questions.

$ secure-mount.py --create /tmp/secure-test
Passphrase wrapper:
Again to confirm..:

$ ls -aR /tmp/secure-test
.  ..  .ecryptfs  ENCRYPTED_FOLDER  .Private

.  ..  Private.sig  wrapped-passphrase

.  ..

$ cat /tmp/secure-test/.ecryptfs/Private.sig

$ ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase /tmp/secure-test/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase

$ secure-mount.py --change-password /tmp/secure-test
[Old passphrase wrapper]
Passphrase wrapper:
[New passphrase wrapper]
Passphrase wrapper:
Again to confirm..:
After you've verified that your directory mounts properly, you should delete /tmp/secure-test/.ecryptfs/wrapped-pass

$ secure-mount.py --mount /tmp/secure-test
Passphrase wrapper:

$ ls -aR /tmp/secure-test
.  ..

$ mkdir /tmp/secure-test/blah

$ echo hi > /tmp/secure-test/blah/hello

$ ls -aR /tmp/secure-test
.  ..  blah

.  ..  hello

$ secure-mount.py --umount /tmp/secure-test

$ ls -aR /tmp/secure-test
.  ..  .ecryptfs  ENCRYPTED_FOLDER  .Private

.  ..  Private.sig  wrapped-passphrase  wrapped-passphrase.old

.  ..  ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWbYtcpc-0LsxER.CSk2bPs7uVw8A0id4Uzhz64-b-mkELyDpkXjlLqu0---

.  ..  ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWbYtcpc-0LsxER.CSk2bPs7uVw8A0id4UzhQ0y9AXpzgfnflC3NstE2sE--

$ rm -v /tmp/secure-test/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase.old
removed `/tmp/secure-test/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase.old'

$ grep secure-test ~/.ecryptfs/*.conf
/home/u/.ecryptfs/da931dca73e4b14c199c378c414fd2ee.conf:/tmp/secure-test/.Private /tmp/secure-test ecryptfs

$ rm -v /home/u/.ecryptfs/da931dca73e4b14c199c378c414fd2ee.conf /home/u/.ecryptfs/da931dca7
removed `/home/u/.ecryptfs/da931dca73e4b14c199c378c414fd2ee.conf'
removed `/home/u/.ecryptfs/da931dca73e4b14c199c378c414fd2ee.sig'

$ secure-mount.py --mount /tmp/secure-test
Passphrase wrapper:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/u/bin/secure-mount.py", line 258, in 
File "/home/u/bin/secure-mount.py", line 240, in main
File "/home/u/bin/secure-mount.py", line 172, in mount
run_command(["mount.ecryptfs_private", alias])
File "/home/u/bin/secure-mount.py", line 26, in run_command
assert p.returncode == 0, (stdout, stderr)
AssertionError: ('', 'Bad file\nError reading configuration file\n')

$ secure-mount.py --import /tmp/secure-test

$ secure-mount.py --mount /tmp/secure-test
Passphrase wrapper:

$ ls -aR /tmp/secure-test
.  ..  blah

.  ..  hello

$ secure-mount.py --umount /tmp/secure-test

$ chmod 700 /tmp/secure-test

$ rm -rv /tmp/secure-test
removed `/tmp/secure-test/ENCRYPTED_FOLDER'
removed `/tmp/secure-test/.Private/ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWbYtcpc-0LsxER.CSk2bPs7uVw8A0id4Uzhz64-b-mkELyDpkXjlLqu0
removed directory: `/tmp/secure-test/.Private/ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWbYtcpc-0LsxER.CSk2bPs7uVw8A0id4Uzhz64-b-mkEL
removed directory: `/tmp/secure-test/.Private'
removed `/tmp/secure-test/.ecryptfs/Private.sig'
removed `/tmp/secure-test/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase'
removed directory: `/tmp/secure-test/.ecryptfs'
removed directory: `/tmp/secure-test'

$ secure-mount.py --cleanup
Deleting /home/u/.ecryptfs/da931dca73e4b14c199c378c414fd2ee.conf and /home/u/.ecryptfs/da931dca73e4b14c199c3
78c414fd2ee.sig. /tmp/secure-test can be easily reimported with /home/u/bin/secure-mount.py -i /tmp/secure-test
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2 thoughts on “Encrypting directories using ecryptfs

  1. alex says:

    Hi, how use this script in command line ? Specially in Ubuntu? I tried, example from comment documentation in top. But doesn´t work for me. My terminal says something like command not know.

    Do you have any solution, or can get good advice? How I run right this script?

    Thank you for reply in future!

    • obadz says:

      You simply need to download the script into a file, make it executable (chmod +x secure-mount), and then invoke it (./secure-mount –help).

      On Ubuntu you will have to make sure that ecryptfs is installed: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils

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